

主演:Antonio Canales Antonio Perez  



Plot Summary:Caco is a proud, handsome man, head of a family, and very powerful in the local community. Yet he has been torn to pieces by the death of his beloved daughter. He constantly visits her grave, weeps silently at her photo and has transferred all his wildly protective love and attention onto his physically challenged nephew, Diego. It seems that Diego's father, Caco's brother, is in hiding after having killed a man from the Caravaca family, who are equally powerful in the community. They are looking for vengeance and have come to Caco for justice. When he refuses to betray his brother, the Caravacas grow impatient. When they realize they are getting nowhere, they threaten to kill Diego. Despite his fierce pride, Caco eventually realizes that the cycle of killing and revenge must be broken. But how can he achieve this and protect everyone he loves?


seamouse • 安达卢西亚人,连仇恨和争斗都是弗拉门戈

按陈旧推荐,找托尼.加列夫的片子看看,一阵翻腾,却只在铺天盖地的碟海里寻到《复仇者》一张。 这只是

suer • 爱·流浪·家

看电影之前,看了林达的《西班牙旅行笔记》。 很早就有了这张碟,是一位一同学Flamenco的朋友推荐