
超感猎杀 第二季:「Quotes」

【Season 2 Episode 1】
「You're not trying to understand anything. Because lables are the opposite of understanding.」

「What does courage have to do with the color of a man's skin?」

「Who am I? Do you mean... where I'm from? What I one day might become? What I do? What I've done? What I dream? Do you mean... what you see? What I've seen? What I fear? Do you mean who I love? What I've lost? Who am I?
I guess who I am is exactly the same as who you are. Not better than. Not less than. Because there is no one who has been or will ever be exactly the same as either you or me.」

「A man must never be judged by the length of his gun or the size of his fortune. In the end, we'll all be judged by the courage of our hearts.」

「"The limits of my language are the limits of my word." We tend to think so highly of language because we think so highly of ourselves. Yet imagine being able to communicate thought and feeling without words. Words. Their inadequacy is a cliché. "Words can't express." "Words aren't enough." "I can't find the words." But what if you didn't have to?」

【Season 2 Episode 2】
「We forget so much more than we remember. Maybe we need to. Maybe that's what makes it bearable.」

「Life is a big trap made up of little traps. If you listen hard sometimes, you could hear them snap shut.」

【Season 2 Episode 3】
「Arts needs a bit of mystery. Something that resists us.」

「Figure out what you want and decide how far you're willing to go to get it.」

「If I didn't take people where they hired me to take them, I wouldn't expect them to get back on mu bus. We expect leaders to take us where we want to go. The problem, it seems to me, begins when they don't. When things do not improve and yet these leaders keep expecting us to get on their bus... I think this is when leaders become something else. Politicians.」

「Homes are architectural forms of memory.」

「I don't need your tears. I need your fucking courage.」

【Season 2 Episode 4】
「As adults, we learn to carefully open all the rest of the presents. We are taught to smile and to pretend that all equally important to us. But our heart... always knows the truth.」

「Hope is undiscovered disappointment.」

「Your life is either defined by the system or by the way you defy the system.」

【Season 2 Episode 5】
「I fall in love with the person, not their gentals.」

「♫Lamb — Wise Enough♫」

「Pretending isn't a life.」

【Season 2 Episode 6】
「Art is fundamental to the development of a child's imagination. One cannot create or achieve anything unless they imagine it first.」

「I don't think anyone knows what life they will live. That's what makes life feel alive.」

「Whatever you decide to do... just know you won't have to do it alone.」

【Season 2 Episode 7】
「Lito? What are you doing?

I'm practicing.

For what?

For my future as a homeless, unemployable failure.」

「What do I have? My parents are dead. And my only brother will kill me if I don't kill him first. If anyone should be laying on the bed crying, it should be me.」

【Season 2 Episode 8】
「The night before I went into the hospital was the longest and the loneliest I've ever felt in my life. But no one stopped me. When I woke up, the first thing I felt was Teagan's hand holding mine. Her smile was the first thing I saw. And her voice singing "Happy Birthday" was the first thing I heard. It was in that moment, my sister taught me what "family" actually means.」

「Let us remember that cancer is also natural, so naturalness in itslef shoud not be considered a virtue.」

「Take your hands off my daughter or I promise you, I will pursue a suit seeking the kind of damages that end the careers of men like you.」

「No velvet rope, no closed doors, no VIP entrance can ever keep Daniela Velázquez... OUT.」

【Season 2 Episode 9】
「Love is bridge and not a wall, if we let it be.」

「Nothing good ever happens when people care more about our differences than the things we share in common. The future I hope for is the same as yours. A future where our children grow up never knowing love as a wall but only as a bridge.」

「We take everything that matters... we push all of it into this... and we fight for it.」

【Season 2 Episode 10】
「Are you serious? My sister is the fucking Terminator?」

「Everyday stuff will happen to you. Some of it will be good. Some of it will be bad. Choice is less about what happens than it is about how we deal with it.」

「Nomi Marks... will you marry me?

Amanita Caplan... will you marry me?

Abso-fucking-lutely! You?

Everyday of my life.」

「You want a war? We'll give you a war.」

超感猎杀 第二季Sense8(2017)


主演:裴斗娜 杰米·克莱顿 米格尔·安赫尔·西尔维斯特 蒂娜·德赛 

导演:拉娜·沃卓斯基 莉莉·沃卓斯基 詹姆斯·麦克特格 丹·格拉斯 汤姆·提克威 编剧:拉娜·沃卓斯基 Lana Wachowski/莉莉·沃卓斯基 Lilly Wachowski/J·迈克尔·斯特拉辛斯基 J. Michael Straczynski

超感猎杀 第二季的影评

NAVISsivan_ • /