第二次机会The Second Chance(2006)


主演:David Alford Lisa Arrindell An 

导演:Steve Taylor 


伊森与杰克是两个有著共同信仰与热情的传教士,其他的遭遇却有天壤之别。伊森在深受媒体青睞,身处摩登时髦的超级白人教区The Rock,快乐的作他音乐传教的工作;而黑人的杰克则是专门走闯街头的传教士,期望能為帮派份子,未婚妈妈及吸毒者创造人生的第二个机会。当他们两人突然被同时派任到一个复杂的教区时 ,伊森领悟到天堂和地狱其实是没有边界与差别的。但这份共同的信仰是否能為两人克服因偏见所造成的鸿沟,甚至為一个在都市角落裡挣扎的教会带来第二春呢?
Plot Summary:Ethan Jenkins (Michael W. Smith) and Jake Sanders (introducing Jeff Obafemi Carr) are both passionate pastors who worship the same God from the same book--but that's where the similarity ends. White and well-to-do Ethan is comfortable in his music ministry at the media-savvy suburban mega-church, The Rock; Jake is a street smart African-American who ministers to the gang members, teen mothers, and drug addicts of the urban Second Chance. When they are suddenly thrown together in a tough neighborhood and forced to work side by side, Ethan discovers there is no boundary between the streets and the sanctuary. But can the faith these two men share overcome the prejudices that divide them to give themselves and a struggling urban church a second chance?


hippy • 感人的十字架同工


微笑的弧度 • 真實的敬拜

放假看了一部讓人省思和日常生活也很貼近的電影,電影的主角是兩位牧師,Pastor Eason是在一間