超级大片فيلم كتير كبير(2015)

又名:Very Big Shot / Film Kteer Kbeer

上映日期:2015-09-11(多伦多电影节) / 2015-11-19(黎巴嫩) / 2016-03-03(卡塔尔)片长:107分钟

主演:阿兰·萨阿德 法雅徳·耶敏 维萨姆·法瑞斯 塔里克·雅各布  

导演:米尔·让·博夏瓦 编剧:米尔·让·博夏瓦 Mir-Jean Bou Chaaya/阿兰·萨阿德 Alain Saadeh


济(阿兰·萨阿德 饰)和乔(塔里克·雅各布 饰)兄弟两人在贝鲁特的工人阶级街区经营着规模虽小但利润丰厚的毒品生意。他们最小的弟弟杰德(维萨姆·法瑞斯 饰)曾因济的犯罪而被判刑,现在即将出狱。济决定改过自新,用他们贩卖可乐换来的利润来开一家餐馆。但是济的供货商,一个强大的毒枭不希望看到任何经销商退出这门生意,遂说服他们继续进行下去……
Plot Summary:Brothers Ziad (Alain Saadeh) and Joe (Tarek Yaacoub) run a small but lucrative drug dealing business out of their takeout pizzeria in one of Beirut's working class districts. With their youngest brother Jad (Wissam Fares) about to be released from prison - where he was serving a sentence for a crime that Ziad had committed - Ziad plans to go straight by using their coke-peddling profits to open a restaurant. But Ziad's supplier, a powerful drug lord who is none too keen to see his dealers retire, convinces the brothers to take on one last job.


流量君 • 这部「超级大片」,打五星都不为过!

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Wednesday • 《超级大片》:黎巴嫩彭浩翔讲述拍电影的荒唐事与苦逼事
