Blood:Sooner or later, we all go through a crucible.I'm guessing yours was that island.
Most believe that there are two types of people who go into a crucible, the ones who grow stronger from the experience, and survive it.And the ones who die. But there's a third type the ones who learn to love the fire. They choose to stay in their crucible. Because it's easier to embrace the pain when it's all you know anymore. That's why I'm on the clock to help this city before it becomes used to living like this.
大多数人都相信面对残酷的考验会有两种人:第一种人会从这种经历中磨砺变得更强大,并生存下来。(暗指Oliver Queen)第二种人会在困境中死去。然而,还有第三种人,他们会爱上残酷,他们选择留在残酷的考验中,因为当他们认清现实后会更容易接受痛苦。(暗指他自己) 这就是我为什么要在这个城市的人习惯了生存在这种残酷之前拯救他们。
Oliver:Living is not for the weak. An old friend of mine once told me that.

Blood: That's a wise friend.

由此可见,Blood议员也曾遭受过像Oliver在炼狱岛类似的考验,但他选择了拥抱黑暗,变成黑暗的一份子。大家尤其要注意,当Oliver 提到五年前船上的Russian告诉他的那句话:“Living is not for the weak”。Blood议员冷了一下,心里说:你小子咋也会说这句话。其实他也听那伙人说过这句话。



绿箭侠 第二季Arrow(2013)

又名:绿箭 第二季 / Green Arrow Season 2

主演:斯蒂芬·阿梅尔 凯蒂·卡西迪 薇拉·贺兰德 科林·萨蒙 科林 

导演:John Behring 编剧:格里格·伯兰蒂 Greg Berlanti/马克·古根海姆 Marc Guggenheim/安德鲁·克雷斯伯格 Andrew Kreisberg

绿箭侠 第二季的影评