To begin with i think it's bad loll. netflix had made countless teenage drame tv shows with the same coming of age theme 和二选一的delimma. I think it's great there's more Asian representaion on TV, and clearly they've gone deeper than to all the boys i loved. Color is part of the complexity. And it's 有良心 they found someone who's not a traditioanl hot chick (我觉得这点比国内剧好, 至少不会让大美女说自己真的很平凡 bruh just shut up). But the casting is overall horrible tbh they are all bad actors. (i think sex edu is better on casting)
我是希望devi和paxton在一起的. dont get me wrong i think ben is a overall better person and paxton is kinda douche. 这种降维的霸道总裁爱上我我觉得东亚观众早就看腻了. He's the type of white jock i wudn't talk to in high school. but that's partly why i like him sooo much (a part from the abs and chest and bi-seps ...whatta body). 我觉得out of everyone 他的这个设定是挺真实的, 就不是什么特好的人, 从一开始到结尾都没有毁人设的强行翻转, 所以我觉得这种爱情的张力是蛮真实的. 至于为什么这么喜欢他, 可能是因为和自己的生活太接近了; 身边很多这样光鲜的小孩儿, 我希望看近一点他们ig生活之外的样子, 看看他们的家庭, 他们的纠结和软肋, 挺好的.
至于为什么不喜欢ben, 我觉得他是个挺好的人, 说白了长了一张备胎脸, 还是美国编剧好, 给备胎这么多尊严.

好想做一次 第一季Never Have I Ever(2020)


主演:麦特里伊·拉玛克里斯南 李·罗德里格斯 雷蒙娜·杨 嘉伦·李 

导演:特斯塔姆·莎佩罗 琳达·门多萨 卡比尔·阿克塔 阿奴·瓦利亚 编剧:敏迪·卡灵 Mindy Kaling/朗·费希尔 Lang Fisher/艾瑞克·奥雅玛 Erica Oyama/马特·沃尔伯顿 Matt Warburton/Justin Noble/Amina Munir/Chris Schleicher/Akshara Sekar

好想做一次 第一季的影评