“I stand before you with two ago-old words:carpe diem.When we walk out these doors,i challenge each of us to not only seize the day,but to clutch it with both hands,to squeeze it,with all your strength.And drain every last victorious moment out of it.Like when a Trojan decides to plunges his blade into the beating heart of his enemy.He realizes it's not for his own personal glory.He does it for the better good of the community as a whole. We must remember that our generation is amarter, stronger and better equipped than those that came before us. And now, it is our responsibility to forge ahead and stake our rightful claim at the top.”
在此,我只想送给大家一句悠久的格言:抓住今天。当我们走出学校大门,我希望大家不只是抓住今天,更要用双手紧紧的捏牢它、去紧握它,用你的全力。挤出每一个鲜活胜利的瞬间。就像特洛伊人将他们的刀刃刺入敌人的胸膛,他们不是为了个人的荣誉,而是为了种族的前途。我们必须牢记我们这一代,要比我们上一代更聪明、更强壮、更有能力。现在,我们应当,勇往直前 止于至善。

“it's everything i ever imaged.”

“The bottom line is, what I lack in experience, I make up for in vision.And what I don't know I make up for with passion.
I'm driven, full of ideas.I'm upbeat.
Most importantly, I am incredibly enthusiastic about the work your company is doing. “

“You gotta think big picture here. You gotta have vision.”
你得有长远目标 你得有远见

Look, you got the hard part figured out. You know what you wanna do.Now you can just spend the rest of your life going after it.|你已经度过了最困难的阶段 你知道自己要做什么。现在你可以用一生的时间去追寻它

It's a curveball.You're gonna get thrown curveballs. Life and work are like baseball.You can't rest at the plate. You gotta keep trying.这个就像转球。你要学会接住转球,生活和工作就是棒球。不能再垒上休息,你要不断去尝试。

but I want you to remember that struggle and strife come before success.Even in the dictionary.

Weird indicates a creative force.

“I may not know exactly what my future looks like but I do know one thing You're not in it even”

i guess i finally realise that what you do with your life is, really just one half of the equation, the other half, the more important half really is, who you are with when you're doing it.

the world is a screwy place,it doesn't play by the rules.

毕业生生存指南Post Grad(2009)



主演:阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 卡罗尔·博内特 罗德里戈·桑托罗 扎克 

导演:Vicky Jenson 编剧:Kelly Fremon


官久 • 台词
D • sth