西镇警魂 第一季Longmire(2012)

主演:罗伯特·泰勒 凯缇·萨克霍夫 贝利·切斯 卡西迪·弗里曼 

导演:克里斯托弗·查莱克 编剧:Hunt Baldwin/John Coveny

西镇警魂 第一季:剧情介绍

Longmire事实上是我们主人公的姓氏。Walt Longmire丧偶1年,将内心和精神上的伤痛用冷酷的面孔和高深的睿智封存。妻子死后,在他女儿Cady的敦促下,Longmire知道,是时候转身面对生活向前看了。在一位新来的女长官Vic的帮助下,他重新为自己的工作注入了活力。而当一位年轻、有野心的年轻人Branch要和他争夺警长的职位时,Longmire觉得自己被背叛,但他依旧不变地为整个社区的治安奉献自己的力量。   本片由John Coveny和Hunt Baldwin根据Craig Johnson的畅销系类小说《Longmire Mystery》改编而成。
Plot Summary:Walt Longmire is the charismatic, dedicated and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka County. Widowed only a year, Longmire is a man in psychic repair that buries his pain behind a brave face and dry wit. Struggling since his wife's death and at the urging of his daughter, Cady, Longmire knows that the time has come to turn his life around. With the help of Vic, a female deputy new to the department, he becomes reinvigorated about his job and committed to running for re-election. When Branch, an ambitious, young deputy decides to run against him for sheriff, Longmire feels betrayed but remains steadfast in his dedication to the community. Longmire often turns to close friend and confidant Henry Standing Bear for support as he sets out to rebuild both his personal and professional life, one step at a time.

西镇警魂 第一季的影评列表

匪我 • 有点


盒子 • 大结局


白云飘飘 • 了解西部洲和文化的窗口

在边远西部的破案片、仅有4名警察的警员间的关系,与印第安人的关系,与小镇其它人的互动。 主角是西式