

主演:皆川纯子 浅野真澄 清水爱 植田佳奈 津久井教生 朴璐美  

导演:佐伯昭志 编剧:佐伯昭志 Shôji Saeki


泽渡家的姐妹泉和美月为了保护宠物鳄鱼而离家出走,走投无路的她们经过一间大宅,发现招募女仆的告示。这间豪宅的主人是一位14岁少年——中林义贵,因为义贵的父母意外过世,义贵只得继承万贯家财,一个人住在豪宅。   泉见义贵一表人才,便接受女仆的工作。可是没过多久,义贵就暴露了自己的兴趣,原来义贵是一个“萝莉控、制服狂、偷拍狂及GalGame狂”!   想要逃跑的泉慌乱下打碎义贵的一个花瓶,欠下巨额债务,难道两姐妹就要和这个变态住在一起,并作为女仆服侍他吗?其实,这只是一个开始。
Plot Summary:Two runaways, Izumi Sawatari and her younger sister Mitsuki, are in need of a place to stay. They hear of a young millionaire, Yoshitaka Nakabayashi, who is living all by himself after the death of his parents and who is in need of being looked after. They take the job... then discover that Yoshitake is a shameless pervert who will seize any opportunity to take a look at them in various stages of undress! Izumi is disgusted with Yoshitaka's attitude and does whatever she can to keep him away from her and her sister, but she has no alternative but to stay as his maid and cope with his near-psychopathic fetish for her. And as time passes, her feelings for Yoshitaka start to deepen...


windruin • 影评


zz • 它失败的但却吸引我的地方

看完以后,我真实被男主圈粉了。 但说来这也是全片的败笔,如果义贵小主人真是只是单纯的变态、用近乎开玩