


导演:Bregtje van der Haak 


Plot Summary:Architect Rem Koolhaas and a team of students from The Harvard Project on the City, went to Lagos regularly to research the type of urbanity that is produced by uncontrolled, explosive population growth. In this documentary filmed over two years, director van der Haak wanted to take a look inside the head of Koolhaas and through his eyes, a look at Lagos. She says, Lagos is "a city that holds up a mirror to him [Koolhaas], a city that is endlessly flexible, terribly creative and constantly improvising". Using small digital cameras, the filmmaker documented Koolhaas documenting Lagos to grasp and convey a sense of the new urban life that was being invented there.


阿尔卑斯棒棒糖 • 发挥了老库的本行

纪实性的拍摄 辛苦给我们放视频的荷兰小帅哥不停地切换声道。。 进行了

[已注销] • TIA - This Is Africa

在06年Jasmax建筑电影节看的第二部纪录片, 属于怪味小品一则. Lagos (拉各斯)是尼日