
又名:Binta and the Great Idea / Binta y la gran idea


主演:Zeynabou Diallo Agnile Sambou  

导演:Javier Fesser 编剧:哈维尔·费舍尔 Javier Fesser


Javier Fesser在西班牙马德里百年大学(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)拥有大众媒体传播(Mass Media Communication)学位。1986年他成立了Linea Films公司,专门制作公益电影。   《宾塔和好主意》在塞内加尔拍摄,并且得到了联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)的协助,后者希望通过影片引起人们对第三世界儿童的关注。   影片的主角是一个7岁的非洲小女孩宾塔(Binta),通过她的叙述,观众可以看到两个分别和教育和环保有关的故事:一个是她的表姐希望上学但父亲不许她上学;另一个是宾塔爸爸一级一级上访,希望政府采纳他的建议,限制人们过度捕捞河鱼。同以往类似题材的沉重相比,该片倒拍得乐观而轻松,非常值得一看!
Plot Summary:Binta is a tiny child in a village in Senegal's Bignona Prefecture. Her school teaches peace, tolerance, friendship, and fraternity. Two stories intertwine: Binta's older cousin Soda's father will not let Soda go to school; and Binta's father gets a grand idea when he learns that Westerners (tubabs) have so many fish they no longer need to work together and have guns to protect their wealth. He dictates his idea to Binta and then carries the paper to the lieutenant governor of the prefecture, then to successive higher officials. Meanwhile, the school children act out Soda's plight, staging it for her parents and the village. And what is Binta's father's grand idea?


思阳 • 桃花源记

这部片子赞得让我一路哭到尾。 虽然是以非洲儿童为背景,但这部片子表述的远远大于其。他创造了一个非洲