混合宿舍Dorm Daze(2003)


主演:波迪·安·布丽丝 Boti Ann Bliss 詹姆斯·戴贝 

导演:David Hillenbrand Scott Hillenbrand 编剧:Patrick Casey/Worm Miller


圣诞前夕,斯代尔斯(帕瑞克•雷纳Patrick Renna 饰)为哥哥布克(克里斯•欧文 Chris Owen 饰)找一个应召女郎,但是布克真正喜欢的却是瑞切尔(盖博•卡尔 Gable Carr 饰)。法国留学生多米尼克(林赛•塔波特Lindsey Talbott 饰)因与应召女郎(博蒂•布里斯Boti Bliss 饰)同名,惨遭折磨……   其间,艾德里安(卡梅隆•理查德森 Cameron Richardson 饰)拒绝了纽玛的求爱;格利(玛瑞安•德菲诺Marieh Delfino 饰)被错被当成布莱尼,卷入黑帮交易。越来越多的误会,让大家度过了一个令人啼笑皆非的圣诞节……
Plot Summary:Dorm Daze unfolds during a crazy afternoon at a university co-ed dormitory in the days before Christmas break when one of the students, Styles McFee, hires a prostitute named Dominique for his unwitting brother, Booker, to lose his virginity. But Booker prefers to lose his virginity to his long-term sweetheart Rachel just down the hall. Meanwhile, another student, named Wang, awaits the arrival of a French foreign exchange student, who speaks little English, also named Dominique. Farcical wackiness ensues as a series of mistaken identities and mishaps escalate into monumental proportions starting when Wang leaves for work, Dominique the Student arrives and is mistaken for the prostitute by Styles, while Dominique the Hooker is mistaken for the student by others including the two dorm gossip queens Lynne and Marla. Other characters involve Adrienne, who is targeted by the dorm geek, Newmar, with whom they had a drunken fling the night before. Adrienne tries to find a missing handbag belonging to her friend, Claire, who is having boyfriend troubles with Tony. Adrienne's roommate, Gerri, inadvertently gets her hands on another handbag similar looking to Claire's which is filled with $30,000 in cash. Gerri is soon mistaken for a shadowy hit woman, named Britany the Snake, by a local gangster named Lorenzo. Elsewhere, Pete's punk friend Cliff enters the dorm when Pete has to go to work. Cliff soon teams up with Dominique the Hooker to find the missing handbag with the cash while the token gay student Foosball works his way through all the plots of this collegiate comedy of Shakespearean proportions.


godson • 情节曲折,很好的片子

一个是交换学生,一个是妓女,结果两人有同样的名字,当他们的身份被搞混,会出现什么样的情况? 更恐怖

dragonfly • Just a joke

It's just a film to kill time and it has very lit

米格 • 非主旋律电影

里面有个镜头,一个家伙,猛的从小腿上抽出一个手机,摩托罗拉998,"hello!" 很有型吧,很搞笑

林三郎 • 混合宿舍全楼总动员


rache008 • 一环套一环


SELVEN • 油菜花的校园闹剧
