相信我 第一季Trust Me(2017)

主演:朱迪·惠特克 埃蒙·埃利奥特 莎朗·斯莫 布莱克·哈里森  

导演:约翰·亚历山大 Amy Neil 编剧:Dan Sefton

相信我 第一季:剧情介绍

《相信我》(Trust Me)是继《代班》(The Replacement)之后BBC推出的又一部心理惊悚片。这部剧一共四集,由茱蒂·惠特克(Jodie Whittaker)饰演爱丁堡护士Cath Hardacre一角,她在丢了工作后偷了一名医生好友的证件,利用这个身份取得了成功的新生活,随后便面临身份曝光的危机。
Plot Summary:Cath Hardacre is a hardworking and skilled nurse who loses her job for whistle-blowing and is forced to take drastic measures to provide for her daughter. Out of desperation, Cath seizes the opportunity to steal her best friend's identity as a senior doctor and start a new life in Edinburgh. Burying herself deeper and deeper in the imposter persona, she realises she could get everything she ever wanted - but with her old life threatening to destroy her fragile creation, how far will she go to protect it?

相信我 第一季的影评列表

无南北 • 开挂

职场女人很不容易。不过有的女人,能在不容易中创造奇迹。《Trust me 》(《相信我》),女主角C

隽永剧评 • 《相信我 Trust Me》碎想(应该会更完)

所有视频都在微博上。不算正规的剧评。有概要故事的情节,没有具体到细节的剧透。 【S1E1 — 片段