失序年代L'emploi du temps(2001)

又名:时光停留 / 谎人手记 / 消磨时间 / 时间外表 / Time Out


主演:奥雷利安·雷克因 嘉莲·维雅 瑟吉·利洛兹特 

导演:劳伦·冈泰 编剧:罗宾·坎皮略 Robin Campillo/劳伦·冈泰 Laurent Cantet


Vincent本是高级主管,因故而被解雇。离职后,一直找不到适当时机和家人说明原由。他决定装成什么事都没发生,每天假装去上班,然后开车在法国、瑞士边境的高速公路上穿梭,累了就在休息站歇脚,并适时打电话向太太报平安。慢慢地,为了解释经常往返于边境,他开始撒谎,这个谎言的漏洞越来越大,牵扯的人越来越多。Vincent终于面临了他生命中最难的课题:说实话。   本片改编一段真实且残忍的社会新闻,但导演给观众的却是一个更为人性化的答案。
Plot Summary:Recently fired from his job, but unable to confess the truth to his close-knit family, Vincent spends his days driving around the countryside, talking into his cell phone and staring into space. Vincent fabricates a new job for himself so his family and friends will not know that he is out of work. At one point, he even sneaks into an office building. As Vincent roams the building's sterile halls, peeking into meeting rooms where men are busy at work, we see a man who yearns not just for a new job, but also for a place in the world. While this pantomime of work initially registers as sad and even a little pathetic, it slowly and unnervingly becomes terrifying.


andry • 失业,是一次伟大的人生历练

  Vincent是一个善良的人,很坚强,也很内向,很有责任感。 在被服务了十几年的公司解

EVERLESS • time is what i'm running out of
