

主演:广末凉子 井川遥 齐藤由贵 夏帆 竹内结子 藤木直人 中川雅 

导演:関和亮 编剧:升野英知 Bakarizumu


小小年纪便声名鹊起的广末凉子后继乏力,而今同时干着婚礼主持人、房屋清扫、临时演员等工作赚取营生。她渴望美好的爱情,对同世代光辉亮丽的女星竹内结子充满羡慕和嫉妒。同样是曾有过辉煌演艺生涯的井川遥,幸运地和一位出色的男子(藤木直人 饰)相会,只不过对方似乎另有家室,这让她惴惴不安。广末和井川时常出没的酒吧,其经营者则是也在演艺圈沉浮一时的齐藤由贵。而今齐藤夜晚经营酒吧,白天则与20多岁的女孩一同坐在大学课堂学习。当毕业来临之际,她突然感到有些迷茫。   命运不经意间和三位女性开了玩笑,在平行的宇宙里,她们各自为了幸福打拼……
Plot Summary:If actresses Hirosue Ryoko, Igawa Haruka and Saito Yuki chose different paths at the turning point in their lives, what kind of life would they be leading? In this world, Hirosue did not appear in the big 1997 drama hit, Beach Boys, with Sorimachi Takashi and Takenouchi Yutaka and suddenly rise to fame. She is a struggling actress in her mid 30s who gets by on part-time housekeeping work and cannot bear to give up being an actress. Hirosue fantasies about newly married life with a handsome guy and is jealous of successful actress Takeuchi Yuko who is the same age. Although she struggles alone, she works hard at her housekeeping job every day. On the other hand, Igawa did not put out the photo book 'Good Vibrations' at that time and has been completely forgotten now after the end of the boom of "soothing" models. She dates actor Fujiki Naohito in an unexpected turn of events. Even though she has a taste of this little happiness, she starts to grow impatient when the relationship fails ...


ruby0930 • 脑洞NB系列之——阴差阳错的女演员们


夔晓 • 我!爱!电!影!

厉害!哈哈哈! 天才作品、起点就是! 真棒,从广末凉子如今的人生影视成就、她的转折点——假设:回

它它 • Lord!我已经快三十了,人生还有翻盘的可能么?


木若 • 喂,我可是广末凉子啊!

2016这一版比2015那一版配角们更加华丽,但是剧情则走向了鬼扯,但我依旧爱这部。 编剧无比善待