

主演:John Livingston Sabrina Lloyd  

导演:Mark Decena 编剧:Mark Decena/Timothy Breitbach


A San Franciscan computer animator (Livingston) falls in love with one his creations in the days after the dot.com boom.
Plot Summary:Rand, Winston, and Johnson have a small tech startup company in the Bay Area that's developing a artificially-lived computer character, Koy Koy the bird, who can hear and see and interact with the user. Koy Koy gets placed in a kids schoolroom for testing, and Rand develops a relationship with one of the teachers, Sarah. Rand learns that his scientific understanding of human mating isn't necessarily a roadmap for the real thing.


scorpioting • 爱是荷尔蒙?

Rand的父母很相爱,最初时的惊心动魄,相守时的相濡以沫,整整三十年 后来他妈妈得了帕金森综合症 他

[已注销] • 我们处在一片化学统治之中

当我们头痛时,我们需要一片阿司匹林。 当我们胃痛时,我们需要一片西咪替丁。 当我们过敏时,我们