马蝇天下The Bots Master(1993)

主演:Ian James Corlett Richard Cox  

导演:Shigeo Koshi Xavier Picard 


主人公祖南德与RM公司对抗的故事。RM(Robots Master)公司是世界最大的人形机器人制造商,共民用与军用机器垄断了世界市场,RM公司秘密开发了克朗芯片,这是个后门芯片,安装了克朗芯片的机器人被称为绿马蝇,平时听命于客户,但最终RM公司控制着这些机器人,这样RM公司就可以控制世界了,RM公司以新芯片可以提升机器人性能为由,向世界机器人使用商免费安装克朗芯片,而祖南德是RM公司的资深工程师,他深知RM公司的秘密并企图向全世界公开这个秘密,因而遭到RM公司的诬陷和全球追杀,幸好祖南德的祖父给他留下一个地下城堡,在这里祖南德也秘密设计一批机器人,他们能独立思考、有个性、有情感,成为祖南德的好帮手。
Plot Summary:When genius robot technician Ziv "ZZ" Zulander discovers that his employers (RM Corps) have designs on world domination, he quits and tries to warn people about them. Branded an outlaw by their powerful boss Lewis Leon Paradim (LLP), ZZ and his bot-designer sister (Blitzy) are forced into hiding. His one advantage is the chip he developed, which gives his bots their own personalities, and enables them to think for themselves and fight intelligently. This makes them a powerful force against a huge but predictable army of security bots. RM Corps's attempts to upgrade their bots' firepower with their Krang chip are a constant danger. Their bot- designer (the oily Dr Hiss) desperately wants to capture a ZZ bot for examination, and ZZ must also avoid being distracted by LLP's gorgeous security chief, Lady Frenzy.


Nemo.765 • 绝赞

这部动画 我可算找到了 小时候看过 太牛逼了 音乐 人设 应该是我最早接触 到 DJ这种概念