
主演:Christiane Amanpour Daniel Pea 

导演:Ahmed A. Jamal Ramesh Sharma 


Plot Summary:A documentary look at the life and kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl - "Danny" to his family, friends, and colleagues. Through interviews and home movies, a portrait of a talented young man emerges - a musician, a recently married husband about to become a father, and a tough-minded investigative journalist. One of his kidnappers, Omar Sheikh, is also profiled: born in England, well-schooled, motivated perhaps by the desire to embarrass Pakistan's president, who was cooperating with the United States in the aftermath of 9/11. We visit the café in Karachi where Pearl was kidnapped. We see the site of his assassination. Loss colors all.


makzhou • 记者与圣战士

Daniel Pearl出生于美国的中产之家,父母都是大学的教授,犹太人。他在很小的时候就展现出了各

bugz • 2位同样受过高等教育的精英,为何无辜被杀害?

2位同样受过高等教育的精英,为何都被无辜的杀害?这其实是观众们最应该思考的问题。 被绑架人Dani