
又名:凶手回路 / 杀手回路

主演:理查德·多默 乔迪·巴尔弗 罗莎琳德·以利亚撒 保罗·瑞斯  

导演:萨姆·米勒 汉斯·贺伯斯 编剧:哈利·威廉姆斯 Harry Williams/杰克·威廉姆斯 Jack Williams


本剧用倒叙方式讲述了一个连环凶杀案的故事,剧名Rellik是英文单词Killer的回文。剧中犯罪事件之末将会在一开始就公之于众,然后以受创伤﹑毁容的伦敦警探Gabriel Markham为中心,在回溯追凶过程中剖析该警探的故事。参与演出《雪岛迷踪》及《权力的游戏》的Richard Dormer饰演高深莫测﹑不屈不挠﹑具感召力的警探Gabriel,他痴迷于追捕一个在他身心留下伤痕的连环杀手。Jodi Balfour饰演Gabriel的拍档Elaine,她是个爽朗﹑有热情﹑急切讨好别人的警探。艾美奖提名者Sam Miller将执导该剧,编剧Williams兄弟及其公司将担任本剧的执行制片方。
Plot Summary:Starting at the end, with a suspect caught, the series moves backwards in time through the string of gruesome murders, gradually unraveling the truth. Enigmatic, unrelenting and charismatic, we follow DCI Gabriel Markham as he is propelled in an obsessive hunt for a serial killer who left a mark on him both physically and mentally. As the clock ticks back, and Gabriel's personal and professional lives unfurl, we explore the painful psychology of a man disfigured, while the shock waves from the crime ripple out in reverse. Alongside a thrilling chase to catch a brutal killer, Rellik explores the very nature of motivation, as we delve deeper into the past to uncover the events that shape a person into who they will become.


floyd999999 • 英剧速递,Rellik 杀手回路 第一季


蒹葭 • 一场以毁灭为终点的爱情

(内有对英剧《谋杀回溯》的大量剧透,慎入) 一周前,看完了这部在豆瓣评分极低(只有6.2分)的英剧(

hugh • 原本更喜欢ITV同时出的Liar,但是看到结局反而倒过来了。

原本还以为女主就真是花瓶了。 剧情算不得经得起细细推敲,但是除开那些刻意为了回溯而回溯的事,还是能给