
又名:The Hours Go By


主演:Susana Campos Roxana Berco Gui 

导演:Inés de Oliveira Cézar 编剧:Inés de Oliveira Cézar/Daniel Veronese


一家人24小时的经历:胡安、蕾妮、四岁的小男孩圣地亚哥和蕾妮的母亲维吉尼娅。父亲开车带儿子去郊外海边游玩,而蕾妮和自己病重的母亲一同前往森林,并没有与丈夫孩子同行。影片一开始就暗示出这个家庭中存在着危机,胡安和蕾妮都有各自的苦恼,而他们之间最大的问题就是无法真正做到相互了解。此后画面以平行剪辑的方式交替叙述两边的活动:父子在空旷的海滩上做砂器,彼此间的关系越来越密切;而寂静的森林里,母女在交谈中也逐渐心灵相通,只是胡安与蕾妮两人却已渐行渐远。   via: http://www.mtime.com/my/auess/blog/785011/
Plot Summary:Renee returns home one Saturday after giving an early morning piano lesson. She lives in the provinces with her husband Juan and their five year-old son Santi. Over breakfast, they discuss a possible move to Buenos Aires but rule it out after Juan provides a reasoned argument against it. He suggests a family trip to the beach. Renee proposes for Juan alone to take Santi to the beach while she takes her ailing mother Virginia to the country. The film bifurcates as the narrative alternates between the two excursions. Renee picks up Virginia at an assisted-living facility; they drive to a rustic cabin, sit by the fireplace and later take a walk in the forest. Juan and the inquisitive Santi travel further, to an almost empty beach, walk down a pier, build a castle out of sand, and meet two fishermen who entertain the boy with sea tales and teach him how to gut a fish.


小鳴 • 是電影也是詩

原來詩是可以這樣寫的。原來電影是可以這樣拍的。 阿根廷電影《歲月無聲消逝》(The Hours