怪博士与机器娃娃Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん(1981)


主演:内海賢二 小山茉美 

导演:冈崎稔 编剧:鸟山明 Akira Toriyama


在一个名叫企鹅村的所在,生活着一群脑筋秀逗但无比快乐的人,他们热衷做一些无厘头且看起来很傻的事,浑然不觉而乐此不疲。村中还生活这一个绝顶聪明的男人,名叫则卷千兵卫。某天,博士发明了名叫阿拉蕾的机器人,阿拉蕾天真无邪,力大无穷,时不时会把地球劈成两半,把企鹅村闹得天翻地覆。随着阿卡的到来,具有超强破坏力的组合更让博士胆战心惊,头疼不已。此外,傻瓜超人,外星大魔王也给企鹅村的各位带来别样的体验与乐趣。阿拉蕾,快乐的小女孩和她的朋友们为世人奉上了无限难忘的回忆。   本片根据漫画家鸟山明的同名原著改编。
Plot Summary:Dr. Norimaki is a bumbling inventor who dreams of one day getting wealth and a girlfriend, or at least a good collection of dirty magazines. He manages to build a robot child, which he names Arale. Arale works perfectly, except that she has incredible super powers and a child's obliviousness to the trail of destruction she leaves everywhere she goes. Episodes usually focus on Arale, Norimaki, and the town's strange inhabitants (which include talking trees and mountains, a pair of alien invaders desperately trying to leave, and a Superman with questionable ethics) going to surreal lengths to get the things they want.


黄小牛 • 喜剧角色群体(影片分析 阿拉蕾)

  这部动画片最有意思的地方在于设计出了几个非常独特的喜剧角色,分析如下:   丁大丙:   1、

禾羽渊 • 长大后,我唯缺又呆又傻的笑容了。
