
又名:明日萌车站 / Suzuran

主演:远野凪子 柊瑠美 倍赏美津子 桥爪功 倍赏千惠子 

导演:吉田邦夫 编剧:清水有生


故事发生在北海道的驿,从被丢弃在车站的孤儿开始讲述了淳朴善良坚强的女主人公阿萌的一生,明日萌车站、蒸汽列车、北海道的雪景使人过目难忘。阿萌的幼年时期由柊塯美 饰演,青年时期由远野止子饰演,老年时期由倍赏千惠子饰演,阿萌的养父由桥爪功饰演,母亲由倍赏美津子饰演。
Plot Summary:Beginning in 1924, a time when both steam engine trains and early Showa Era's first train stations are just beginning. In the waiting room of Asumoe Station, a small country station, a passenger finds an abandoned baby and rushes to tell the station master, Tokiwa Jiro. The news quickly spreads and soon friends of Tokiwa's along with other townsfolk are saying that this baby must be a gift, it is Tokiwa's recently departed beloved wife reborn as a baby. Tokiwa believes this is as well and takes the infant girl home to raise as one of his own children. One day when the young 10 year-old Moe, who is named for the station where she was "born," happens to be looking at her mother's memorial tablet in the family Buddhist altar and discovers the inscribed date of her mother's death and that of her own birth do not match up-her "mother" died before she was born. This story of the search for identity and happiness, is set against the dynamic backdrop of the development of the Japanese ...


...... • 想起 铃兰

情人节时收到瓶香水,其中有味成分叫铃兰…… 当初在cctv-8海外剧场无意间看到,比较巧应是刚开始

[已注销] • 好看


指愿 • 我的情感启蒙

想起来,那应该是很多年前的事情, 那一年我应该也不会想到这个电视能给我些许年后这么大的力量与信念.

easyjiang • 很感动的一部电视剧

初中的时候看的 记得像是都看了 很温馨的感觉 很想再看一遍 可是好像没机会了。 记得是在这部电视里看

道晚安的别离 • 雪国

 原来的新浪博客的密码。。。竟然忘记。看到早年自己写下的这篇。一丝凉意。。。  醒来时,窗外已经开

mxinning • 感动

  深夜看完最后一集,有些奇怪,本以为会是一个星光灿烂的辉煌人生,却,并不是.   剧中主角是被站长