Plot Summary:This is the very first feature to have ever told a story of the Russian revolutionary, Chapaev, in such a gripping and heart-stirring manner. The series takes us through thorny days of the national hero as the numerous layers of love and hate, pride and shame, great victory and inconsolable loss unfold. The abundance of action and raw emotion enlighten the viewer to the innumerable twists and turns on the path to the final victory of the Red Army and Chapaev's agonizing solitude. War shatters the existence of the main character when it claims the life of his beloved wife. Desperate and inconsolable, Chapaev remarries just to find what betrayal and disappointment taste like. Having lost his wife to another man, he joins the Red Army to ease the pain of abandonment. Now the future hero must adhere to the cause of the disenfranchised people, like himself, in a fight for a better future. Through epic battles, bloodbaths and selfless heroism, Chapaev will blaze through the pages of history books right to the glorious victory. But no recognition and fame can fill the hole in his heart, aching for the person long lost, leaving the hero forever alone on his pedestal. This is a story of harsh times, atrocious violence, lost chances and rooky mistakes. The plot masterly incorporates the great tragedy of the Russian people and the heartbreaking love story into one breathtaking series.
得当成历史架空片-_- 强行无视掉那些让人无语的,自找看点就好……演员音乐画面什么的还不错,骑马战斗场景很帅☺勇敢坚毅果敢又无奈走向悲剧的英雄故事总是好看。夏伯阳已经成为大众共同塑造的和历史关联不大的形象了,可惜很多民间自造的夏伯阳故事都无法知道,看片很难会意,少了很多乐趣。