Plot Summary:"Bat" Peters, reformed gun fighter, receives a letter from a Chicago firm to whom he has written in reference to selling his mine, stating that they think they will have no trouble in disposing of his property if he will come to Chicago, bringing samples of the ore. Peters arrives in Chicago and goes at once to the office of the firm where he interviews John Folsom, president of the company. He meets there May Dawson, Folsom's stenographer, and rents a room in May's home. Folsom and his confederates plan to put up a job on Peters and fleece him out of his mine. May, returning to the office one evening for her handbag, which she has forgotten, overhears the plan, but she is discovered by Folsom, who forcibly places her in an attic chamber under the care of an old hag. Peters completes his deal with Folsom, and that night he is shown the "sights" by one of Folsom's confederates. After visiting a dance hall, they ask him to sit in a game of poker and take him to the same house in which ...