Plot Summary:8 X 10 revolves around Jai, a man who has the power to see into the past. He uses this power to help people even though using it nearly kills him every time. When his father, Jatin, dies in a mysterious boating accident, Jai's suspicion is aroused by the appearance of an oddball detective, Happi. The only article that can help him in his investigation is an 8 X 10 photograph taken just minutes before the accident by his mother Savitri that shows Jatin surrounded by his best friend and lawyer, Anil, his adopted son, Adit and younger brother, Sundar. Jai decides to use this photograph to go into the past to unravel the mystery surrounding Jatin's death. As he discovers clues he realizes that his father was actually murdered and that everyone on the boat had a motive. Now on a mission to unmask the killer, he undertakes the dangerous journey of visiting the past repeatedly. A cat and mouse game ensues, with the killer outwitting Jai at every turn. As the bodies pile up and time begins to...
还不错耶 根本没想到幕后大BOSS是亲弟弟弟弟也是可怜小时候被坏人救了这一天天的虐待😰反转和感化可以接受弟弟一开始杀哥哥顶替也是想感受父母的爱杀母亲时也两眼泪光只是后来被遗产迷了心窍内心其实是渴望爱的可惜最后也死了 也算是恶的报应吧