Plot Summary:A man volunteers to take part in an experiment that attempts to analyse human behaviour under extreme conditions of terror. His mission is to remain seated inside a dark room for a length of time of 15 minutes. If he manages to hold on, he will receive in return a generous sum of money. Is it possible to terrify an individual who knows beforehand that everything is a farce?
TrentWiseChi • Who enjoy the show most?
西班牙出产的东西都很独特,有些思考什么的,是经由思想沉淀的产物,有时候可以说是耐人寻味吧。 有人说猜到大概结局了,就是故事梗概,老实讲我没有,但看到结局也不觉得很意外,大概它的过渡给人感觉意图太明...