Plot Summary:During the summer, Pacey and Audrey rocked Los Angeles and spent time with her next door neighbors, the Osbournes, and Jack Osbourne even tags along with them to interview at Worthington. Jen spent her time in New York and got ecstatic to learn her parents are separating. Jack got dumped by Eric, but got over it. Joey spent her summer in Capeside doing a lot of reading, working and romancing. On their first week back at Boston Bay College, Jen is shocked to run into find that Grams Ryan has decided to go back to school. At Worthington, Joey experiences nothing but bad luck when she decides to enroll in an intermediate writing class taught by the liberal, but manipulative and cynical, Professor Greg Heston who does not hesitate to ridicule and embarrass Joey in front of the class with her lack of knowledge of the current book topic. Pacey and Jack move out of Grams' house and Pacey tries to get the perfect apartment, owned by a feisty, punk rock British woman, named Emma Jones, who ...
这季只有最后两集值得一看。 Goodbye Jen Jack最后和Doug(pacey一语成谶)在一起了。 前面几乎就是各种新人加入和主角四人组谈恋爱,除了颜值没啥亮点和看点。
Jenifer真是一個敏感多刺還帶點小自卑的女生啊......而CJ就像她說的一樣,way too perfect,damn it!