Plot Summary:Towards the chaotic end of WW II, young German soldier Hans flees from the Russians across the river Elbe in the company of French POWs. This is possible since he has learned to speak fluent French. His cover of an Alsatian recruited by force is hard to keep up, though. And so, it takes him many more months and adventures until he reaches his home.
戈多先生 • 好故事
今天谈论一下《法兰西之恋》。 对有些人来说,当有一天,你在偶然间,提及你曾经看过法兰西之恋,并且为其中的故事而感动。别人会问你,这么老的电影你怎么看过。你会说,我偶然间看到的,译制片,国内确实很少见....