Plot Summary:Focusing on the bonding between three female (an African American female, a half African American half Latino American female, and a Latino American female) high school members of Brooklyn's "Jackie Robinson Steppers Marching Band" and the choices the girls face once their school closes down because of the need for asbestos removal. This film is about a host of topics, not least of which is the hard-work involved in maintaining friendships.
在青春成长/纽约电影两个“类型”中都难得一见的,以特写为主的构图,当然三个女孩的表演也不辜负导演这样的信任。McKay非常清楚故事真正的重点并不是豆蔻年华,更不是“纽约”,而是Crown Heights和一切显然不会“Get Easier”的未来。印象深刻的两处声音设计:上学路上远方隐约的枪声和街边纪念逝者的现场画框外驶过的冰淇淋卡车。
very genuine and nuanced. coming of age.
neighbourhood girls