Plot Summary:A teen girl enjoying a rare free weekend from her religious parents is suddenly confronted by a young Mexican intruder, who randomly chose her house to hide out. Seems he was badly beaten by two local thugs in a racially motivated attack and he took his revenge on the two. This put him on the run from the local bigoted sheriff. Slowly the two reveal their emotional baggage and become genuinely attracted to one another.
克里斯蒂·尼巴尔,Eric Hermann,Marc Hermann,马库斯·米特梅尔,蒂姆·博格曼,Natascha Paulick,莫妮卡·鲍姆加特纳,沃尔夫冈·许布施,Leopold Nüßl,Joelle Rose Kleber,Wolfgang S. Zechmayer,Johanna Bittenbinder,Heinz Josef Braun,约翰娜-科斯迪纳·盖恩,杰拉德·亚历山大·海德
电视上放的 全程无字幕 还有点感动