Plot Summary:Bending Steel follows Chris Schoeck, an endearing yet unassuming man as he trains to become a professional oldetime strongman. While preparing to perform amazing and unique feats of strength publicly, Chris also struggles to overcome crippling fears and inhibitions. For the first time in his life he is compelled to confront social awkwardness, unsupportive parents, and an overwhelming fear of failure. What unfolds is one man's remarkable journey to find his place in the world.
Pier Maria Rossi,Mita Ungaro,Carlos de Carvalho,Fausto Di Bella,弗农·多布切夫,Antonella Fasano,让·马丹,托尼·武齐,维托里奥·卡布里奥利,蒂娜·奥蒙特,弗洛拉·卡拉贝拉,Raouf Ben Amor,Luis Suárez,Hedi Zoughlami,雷纳托·蒙塔尔巴诺