


主演:段奕宏 舒砚 王志亮 赵毅维 汤杨 金培珠 

导演:王小帅 编剧:王小帅 Xiaoshuai Wang





日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】二弟迅雷下载.2003.1.36gb.torrent
日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】二弟迅雷下载.2003.1.37gb.torrent
2019-05-12 Drifters (2003)


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 二弟 Drifters 2003 中国 王小帅.zip
2019-05-12 二弟 Drifters 2003 中国 王小帅.zip


电影天堂为您提供2003年由段奕宏 舒砚 王志亮 赵毅维 汤杨 金培珠 主演,王小帅 导演的《二弟》/又名《Drifters》电影在线观看,《二弟》百度云网盘资源以及《二弟》高清mp4迅雷下载,《二弟》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

福建沿海一个不起眼的小镇,偷渡之风屡禁不止。为了一圆美国发财梦,当地人倾家荡产,甚至为此丢掉性命。镇上名人二弟(段龙 饰)也曾是偷渡大军中的一员,当年他成功踏上美国的土地,并和当地开饭馆的同乡的女儿生有一子。然而这件事却导致他美国梦的破灭,愤怒的老丈人向移民局检举,二弟最终被遣返回国。   回到家乡后的他百无聊赖,沉默压抑,只有当巡回演出的越剧团到来时,团中的美丽旦角(舒砚 饰)才令他感到短暂的宽慰。不久,二弟在美国的儿子福生回国省亲。在哥哥的劝说下,他终于鼓起勇气前去探望儿子。然而,势利的老丈人却以法律为由禁止这对父子见面。思子心切,二弟不惜铤而走险……
Plot Summary:The young adult life of Hong Yunsheng, nicknamed Little Brother, is seen as somewhat of a failure by those that know him. A Chinese national, he stowed away on a boat to the United States, where he worked as a dishwasher in the restaurant of a family from his hometown back in Fujian province. After two years in the States and after fathering an illegitimate child there named Fusheng, the child's mother Xuhui who is the restaurateur's daughter, he was deported back to China. Since, he has been floundering in life, which has caused a rift between himself and his older brother, who, with his wife, operate a street front diner and can't have children of their own. Little Brother relies on his new girlfriend, a woman he barely knows named Wu Ruifang who is a performer in a touring opera troupe, for emotional support. Despite Little Brother being the local poster boy for not stowing away, his friend named Monkey tried to do the same, but died on the voyage over due to exposure to toxic chemicals on board the ship. Meanwhile, the restaurateur's family, including now five year old Fusheng, has returned to their Chinese hometown for a visit. They refuse to let Little Brother see his son, Little Brother who wants to be a father to the boy. This visit begins the tug-of-war not only between Little Brother and Xuhui's respective families, but between paternalistic Chinese society and American law.


  • 187****0790

    187****0790 • 归属在哪?终究在自己心里。

    看到有感的故事,总想分享与被分享。可是豆瓣里关于《二弟》的影评太少,不足于解馋,就自己写一点吧。 电影没有让我感到压抑或者沉闷,也许是因为我已经接纳了平淡的日子。结尾的时候,我也在刹那间以为男女主就....
  • 游侠一笑

    游侠一笑 • 那些年的伍佰

    偷渡客,不同时期不同的地区活跃,东北热衷偷渡韩国、日本,浙江、福建各处去,广东最喜欢香港(90年代都还有人偷渡,2000年也有偷渡去干一票的)。 最深印象是几个大人在海边翻跟头哄小男孩开心的段落。07...
  • Eigagann🇨🇳

    Eigagann🇨🇳 • 二弟

    这电影为什么不能上8分,是因为看的人太少?强烈推荐啊,段奕宏的老婆们你们都不看的吗。 王小帅的电影看过《十七岁的单车》、《青红》和《周末情人》,这部《二弟》延续了情人和单车的基调,孤独无助而后孤注一....
  • 萬六一

    萬六一 • 思考无解之题

    看《二弟》时没觉得很闷。感觉那是还原正常时间进程。是二弟无时无刻都在思考一个无解问题的真实流速。而这空洞也许不是电影的空洞,或许是二弟的空洞,你我的空洞。生活可能本来就没有内容。 出生在临海小村,....
  • Panny

    Panny • 【超字数短评】二弟

    王小帅电影有很浓的个人风格,整个色调还会让我想起《日照重庆》 尤其在拍海的时候。 因为老段才翻到这部电影(那时候他还叫段龙),很多人觉得电影有点造作矫情,反正我是看哭了的。现在来看这个故事是有距离感....
