Females Is Fickle(1940)

主演:Pinto Colvig/Margie Hines/Jack Mercer

导演:Dave Fleischer 编剧:Joe Stultz



Females Is Fickle主演:Pinto Colvig/Margie Hines/Jack Mercer, 阳光普照的码头边,大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)正在清洗打扫他的船只,其间欢快的曲调彰显了他轻松快乐的心情。正在此时,奥莉弗(麦姬·海因斯 Margie Hines 配音)端着一个鱼缸跑上船来。鱼缸内是一条聪明可爱的小金鱼,奥莉弗训练有方,小金鱼可以根据女主人的指示做出各种动作。突然,小金鱼不小心掉进海里,它奋力呼救,命悬一线。奥莉弗大惊失色,惶恐非常,她泪水涟涟,要求卜派马上下海救小金鱼。起初大力水手不以为然,但禁不住女友的软磨硬泡,只得跳入水中。谁知,那只调皮的金鱼却与他在海里玩起了捉迷藏。   别开生面的追逐战,妙趣横生的海底冒险……
Olve brings her new goldfish onto Popeye's ship, but the fish jumps out of its bowl and into the sea. Olive convinces Popeye to go after it, but the fish wants to play and manages to avoid Popeye until both get trapped inside a jellyfish. After taking a severe pounding from the jellyfish, Popeye eats his spinach, takes on various other marine life, and returns the goldfish to its bowl. But Olive can see the fish is unhappy in the bowl, and sets it free again, which is more than Popeye can stand.

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