出入禁止之女:案件记者铁忍布出入禁止の女 ~事件記者クロガネ~(2015)


导演:田﨑竜太 藤岡浩二郎 编剧:西岡琢也


出入禁止之女:案件记者铁忍布主演:観月ありさ/財前直見/宅間孝行/甲本雅裕/谷内伸也/前田旺志郎/益岡徹/小林稔侍, 在京都地区小有名气的《南条新报》被实业家矶村宪吉(小林稔侍 饰)收购,更名为《京都时报》重新开张,但是因为经营方针的转变引起许多老社员的不满继而众人纷纷辞职。社会部记者铁忍布(观月亚里沙 饰)继续受聘于此,并担当起指导新人美马健作(宅间孝行 饰)的重任。忍布对待新闻有着一股不肯服输、一追到底的坚强韧劲,为了取得重要情报而不惜闯入被禁止进入的地带。与此同时,曾经在全国性纸媒工作的古林千华子(财前直见 饰)出任铁的领导。她一方面对忍布的行事颇有微词,一方面又被其不多见的媒体人精神所感染。   在铁忍布的全力追查下,被掩盖的事实相继大白天下……
After an ownership change, a local newspaper changes names to the Kyoto Times and its policy also undergoes a change to focus on increasing readership. Kurogane Shinobu is a roving reporter for the Local News Section of the Kyoto Times. In the past, she wrote several in-depth investigative articles which won awards. Although many reporters have left the Kyoto Times because they hated the change in policy, she stayed. A divorced single mother, she loves her son, but is poor at expressing it. She has a difficult personality and when she works on an article, she is tenacious and fearless in interviews. When a story breaks, she will rush to the location regardless of where it is and would make a beeline for the person without a thought for the inconvenience she might cause. Due to this tendency, there are now places that are off-limits to her (she is banned from going in and out).


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