
又名:乖乖(港) / Being Good / Kimi wa iiko

主演:高良健吾 Kengo Kora/尾野真千子 Machiko Ono/池胁千鹤 Chizuru Ikewaki/高桥和也 Kazuya Takahashi/喜多道枝 Michie Kita/加部亚门 Amon Kabe/富田靖子 Yasuko Tomita/黑川芽以 Mei Kurokawa/内田慈 Chika Uchida

导演:吴美保 编剧:高田亮 Ryô Takada/中脇初枝 Hatsue Nakawaki



你是好孩子主演:高良健吾 Kengo Kora/尾野真千子 Machiko Ono/池胁千鹤 Chizuru Ikewaki/高桥和也 Kazuya Takahashi/喜多道枝 Michie Kita/加部亚门 Amon Kabe/富田靖子 Yasuko Tomita/黑川芽以 Mei Kurokawa/内田慈 Chika Uchida, 冈野匡(高良健吾 饰)立志成为一名传道授业解惑的教师,在完成了相关学习之后,他进入了樱丘小学,开始了他的执教生涯。一晃眼两年过去,曾经火热的理想还历历在目,然而苍白的现实却时时提醒着冈野,他似乎离自己的理想越来越远。   丈夫外派公干,年轻大妈妈水木雅美(尾野真千子 饰)独自抚养着年仅三岁的女儿。在外人看来,雅美是一位完美的母亲,她耐心、温柔、开朗、善良,和其他的妈妈们相处十分和睦。可是,每当回到家中,每当女儿不小心做了什么错事或者仅仅是让她看不顺眼之时,愤怒的拳脚都会毫不留情的落在孩子小小的身躯之上。曾经,雅美亦是家庭暴力的加害者,如今,身份已然调换,可是悲剧再度上演。
This movie has an ensemble cast which draws normal people who might be living next door, in any normal town. And it draws various problems like child abuse, chain of abuse, negligence, teasing, which might exist in any town, more than a little. The problems could be solved sometimes by "kindness" and "consideration" of people. When it comes to know in a family which is closest and smallest community for us that there is someone who has lost those feelings, what people can do? If it comes to know, just go and talk. Just go and hold their hand. It is possible that people could be saved only by that. Plants die if they don't receive nutrient, people also die without the "kindness" of someone. The "kindness" can definitely save someone, it blossoms flower in that person and someone else could also be saved. There is possibility, since everyone was once a child and someone's neighbor. This movie draws the light arising out of series of such feeling.

