
主演:Sunny Deol/Vivek Oberoi

导演:Sachin Bajaj 



夺命地图主演:Sunny Deol/Vivek Oberoi, 印度影片《夺命地图》讲述了一个在印度流传了千百年的、关于摩诃婆罗多的故事。摩诃婆罗多是古代印度的一部著作,被誉为印度古代社会的百科全书,长达20多万行,是荷马史诗的8倍,是世界上最长的史诗。它讲述了很多关于神的故事,在讲述这些故事的同时, 也将瑜伽的伦理道德融入其中,被印度教奉为无上宝典,书中的故事有很多在民间被人们广为传诵, 传说在讲述与聆听这些故事的时候,人的心灵都将得到净化,会感觉到宝贵的甜蜜的喜悦。   此外,不同于很多观众熟悉的的印度影片,《夺命地图》没有华丽炫目的歌舞场面,取而代之的是大量惊险刺激的打斗场景,让人不禁有耳目一新、大开眼界之感。
Bhagwan Shri Kishan had predicted that the Kalyug (Dark Age - where evil will triumph over good) will start after the battle of the Kurkshetra - the epic war between Kauravas and their cousins the Pandavas. Sage Vyas had verbally dictated the Bhagwad Geeta, while Bhagwan Shri Ganesh wrote it, which included a little-known chapter - about Surya Dev's son, Karan, who though sired by Pandavas mother, Kunti herself, had fought on the side of the Kauravas. He adorned a body armor that no arrow or spear could pierce rendering himself virtually immortal. This itself could have changed the course of history and resulted in the annihilation of the Pandavas - until Bhagwan Shri Indra himself intervened and got Karan to donate this armor, which was then safely buried in the Uttaranchal mountains in India. With the body armor out of the way, the Pandavas were able to slay Karan and defeat the Kaurava hordes. Years later, Kapil Malhotra came across a map to this armor, which he wanted to be kept secret, but Baali, his assistant, wanted it for himself, so that he could rule the world. Rather than surrender the map to Baali, Kapil kills himself by jumping off a cliff, leaving behind a divorced wife and son, Veer; and his present wife with a son named Vicky. 20 years later, Vicky, while he attempts to sell their ancestral property near Kishanganj, comes across a copy of the real map - leading to a chain of events that would re-unite the Malhotra brothers, with Baali eventually getting his hands on the much coveted armor - becoming the most powerful human on Earth, unstoppable - with no one capable of killing him.


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