《CITY》是从2016年到2021年在讲谈社的《Morning》杂志上连载的一部女生喜剧漫画。故事通过主人公南云美鸟和其他多彩的角色,描绘了生活在一个普通“城市”中、却有些不太普通的居民们的生活。 This town, is not just a normal town. There's laughter, love and emotional moments. An unpredictable ordinary life presented by the residents. Exciting stuffs come one after another. Welcome to CITY.
如果您想下载CITYCITY THE ANIMATION的BT种子文件或数据,请使用迅雷、百度网盘、QQ旋风、uTorrent等BT工具下载。
If you want to download CITYCITY THE ANIMATION files,please use the BT tools such as thunderbolt,BaiduPan QQ whirlwind or uTorrent to download.