
又名:An Orphan

主演:吴素馨 Suxin Wu/韩兰根 Langen Han/张惠民/吴素素

导演:张惠民 编剧:周鹃红



雪中孤雏主演:吴素馨 Suxin Wu/韩兰根 Langen Han/张惠民/吴素素, 少女胡春梅嫁到了当地一个有钱人家,新郎是个傻子,胡春梅坚决不从,受到家里人的围攻。她不堪忍受这种生活,在一天夜里逃离了出来,想结束自己的生命,幸遇富家子弟杨大鹏搭救并收留,但由于胡春梅在干活时经常出错,被杨大鹏父亲赶出家门,在大雪中冻晕。杨大鹏回家后不见胡春梅,外出寻找后遇见傻新郎的家人,胡春梅被傻新郎家人抢走关入密室,杨大鹏追到密室,救出了胡春梅。
Hu Chun Mei Hu is a young woman who marries into a rich family. She can't accept her new husband, who is a fool, and the family persecutes her. Not able to live this life, she decides to run away and kill herself. She is saved by Dapeng Yang, the son of a good family, who decides to take care of her. But Dapeng 's father throws her out of the house and into the snow to freeze to death...


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