
主演:张一山 谭卓 曹磊 杨立新 刘威 于慧 赵亮 六小龄童 杨新 



故事讲述了 18 岁出科的孟金福,从武丑到武生再到老生,从前途渺茫的菊坛新人到蜚声京城的梨园名角,一个天赋平平、家境贫寒的普通少年,在时代环境与发展的历程中成长蜕变,最终在竞争残酷的梨园中站稳脚跟,并彪炳史册的江湖传奇。
The story tells the story of Meng Jinfu, who graduated from college at the age of 18, from a martial artist to a martial arts student and then to an old student, from a newbie in Jutan with a slim future to a famous actor in the opera house in the capital, an ordinary boy with mediocre talent and a poor family, and his journey in the environment and development of the times. He grew up and transformed, finally gained a foothold in the cruelly competitive Liyuan, and became a legend in the annals of history.


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