
又名:粒粒皆辛苦(港) / 米乡之民 / 谷农 / People of the Rice Paddies / Rice People / Neak sre

主演:Peng Phan/Mom Soth/Chhim Naline/Va Simorn/Sophy Sodany/Muong Danyda/Pen Sopheary

导演:潘礼德 编剧:Ève Deboise/Rithy Panh



稻田里的人们主演:Peng Phan/Mom Soth/Chhim Naline/Va Simorn/Sophy Sodany/Muong Danyda/Pen Sopheary, 九十年代初,在柬埔寨一个农村里,有一对普通的农民夫妇以及七个女儿。一条毒蛇的出现,给这个家庭平静的生活带来了危险。为了维持生活,他们还是冒险下地干活,结果丈夫无可避免遭到了毒蛇的侵咬,在医治条件极为恶劣的情况下,痛苦地死去。失去了家里的顶梁柱,农妇无法接受,不久就疯了。他们的大女儿挑起了生活的重担,照顾全家,可母亲的病情却并没有好转。农妇最终跑出了他们的小屋,消失在庄稼的尽头。   幕后/花絮   柬埔寨作为亚洲小国,一直被视为文化沙漠,然而这个电影产量稀少的国家,却出现了一位大师:潘礼德。他的电影具有悲天悯人的情感,有人把其代表作《谷农》与前苏联名片《无粮的土地》并成为“双璧”。此片获得1994年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖提名,它是“一部劳动人民的辛酸历史”,
In Cambodian refugee camps, when children are asked where rice comes from, they answer, "from UN lorries". They have never seen a rice field. One day, these children will have to learn to live in Cambodia, i.e., they will have to learn to cultivate, to plough, to work the land. Rice people tries to share this way of life, to demonstrate the fragile equilibrium on which it lies and the freedom it represents.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 The Rice People - Neak sre [1994 - Cambodia] drama
2019-05-11 Rice peopleAVI
2019-05-11 谷农.Rice.People.1994.D9.MiniSD-mFANs
