
又名:27°C: Loaf Rocks

主演:李国毅 Lego Lee/孟耿如 Summer Meng/王彩桦 Lotus Wang/高盟杰 Meng-Chieh Kao/邱凯伟 Darren Chiu

导演:林正盛 编剧:林正盛/林鹿祺/林智祥



世界第一麦方主演:李国毅 Lego Lee/孟耿如 Summer Meng/王彩桦 Lotus Wang/高盟杰 Meng-Chieh Kao/邱凯伟 Darren Chiu, 世界麵包冠軍吳寶春 12 歲喪父,母親陳無嫌一人將八個小孩拉拔長大,調皮搗蛋的吳寶春,在外被其他小孩欺負,回家跟媽媽哭訴時,媽媽卻以「有什麼好計較的,人家吐口水在你身上,擦掉就好」安撫吳寶春,國中畢業後,吳寶春成為麵包學徒,17 歲那年,吳寶春隻身北上,到最接近夢想起點的臺北城打拚,陳無嫌以「要記得你是天公仔囝」鼓舞吳寶春,強調任何困境都能夠迎刃而解,後來吳寶春受到日本人研發麵包的刺激,致力研發新款麵包,2010 年代表臺灣,參加首屆法國「麵包大師賽」,打敗七國選手,拿到歐式麵包組世界冠軍,圓了人生最美的夢…
The heart-warming tale of a poor boy turns into a world-class baker, set in southern Taiwan and France. Pao-chun comes from a poor background, and realizes he must acquire a skill to provide for his mother. He leaves for Taipei and becomes an apprentice in a bakery, Finally, Pao-chun overcomes the odds and makes his dream red-bean bun, but disaster strikes when he loses both his childhood love and his mother. However, Pao-chun pulls himself together and defeats bakers from 16 countries and scoops the title of Master Baker in the bread category at the Bakery World Cup in Paris.

