凯特尔医生Dr. Ketel(2011)

又名:Dr. Ketel - Der Schatten von Neukölln

主演:Ketel Weber/Amanda Plummer

导演:Linus de Paoli 编剧:Linus de Paoli



凯特尔医生主演:Ketel Weber/Amanda Plummer, 在不久的未来,柏林的医疗体系已经崩溃了。曾经作为医生的凯特尔没有执照,但他经常在暗处为人看病,甚至通过各种手段去药店偷取药物,把病人留在医院门口让医院收留他们。他的行为终于被警方察觉——警官路易斯无意中发现了他的偷盗行为,但是出于种种理由,迟迟没有逮捕他,最后甚至还出手相助……
Berlin's notorious Neukoelln district. The near future, a time in which the health system has collapsed. A man works in the shadows and without licence as a doctor. He treats people in the streets, stealing medicine from pharmacies. Forced to adopt the role of a shadow, an outlaw, he is confronted with the question as to whether he really is a doctor.


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