
主演:韩三明 朱子墨 彭佳慧 李杰 徐鹤尼 刘成瑞 盖玥希 盖玥希 


上映日期:2019-05-22(法国) / 2019-07-09(坦桑尼亚) / 2019-07-10(肯尼亚) / 2019-07-11(刚果) / 2019-07-13(南非) / 2019-07-14(南苏丹) / 2019-07-15(苏丹) / 2019-07-16(布隆迪) / 2019-07-17(卢旺达) / 2019-07-18(乌干达) / 2019-07-19(埃塞俄比亚) / 2019-11-12(丹麦)片长:82M


在日前刚刚闭幕的22届桑给巴尔国际电影节上,中国青年导演耿长青被授予"最佳导演"特别荣誉奖,他的最新电影作品《Expelling》也在非洲多个国家进行了为期半个月的巡回放映与交流展映,据桑给巴尔电影节主席Firdoze Bulbulia 介绍本次耿长青导演的作品《Expel ling》的入选是在全球35个国家的3500多部电影里脱颖而出的,组委会在看完《Expelling》之后一致全票通过让其入选,评委团全体评委在看完《Expelling》之后表示深受感动,以评审团主席Lizelle Bisschoff为首的7位评审团成员率先决定将"最佳导演"特别荣誉奖授予耿长青导演。
The film is about under the background of great migration and urbanization in China, this film focuses on the troubles in migrant workers' life due to household registration system. Because of the household registration system, although the Chinese government allows people in rural or poor areas to move to developed or large and medium-sized cities, the migrants actually have not been treated fairly as their children cannot even study in the city where they work.And their schools were demolished, they were expelled from the big cities.


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