欲望的火花욕망의 불꽃(2010)


主演:申恩庆 Eun-Kyung Shin/柳承浩 Seung-Ho Yoo/金姬贞 Kim Hee-jeong/赵震雄 Cho Jin-woong/徐雨 Seo Woo/赵敏基 Min-Ki Cho/李顺载 Soon-jae Lee/白日燮 Il-seob Baek/李孝春/金炳基/李甫姫 Bo-Hee Lee/赵成夏 Sung-ha Cho

导演:白浩民 编剧:郑贺延


欲望的火花主演:申恩庆 Eun-Kyung Shin/柳承浩 Seung-Ho Yoo/金姬贞 Kim Hee-jeong/赵震雄 Cho Jin-woong/徐雨 Seo Woo/赵敏基 Min-Ki Cho/李顺载 Soon-jae Lee/白日燮 Il-seob Baek/李孝春/金炳基/李甫姫 Bo-Hee Lee/赵成夏 Sung-ha Cho, 故事发生在二十世纪七十年代,金英民(赵敏基 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的富家大少爷,曾经有过一段失败恋情的他心中埋下了忧郁的种子。在父亲的安排之下,金英民迎娶了门当户对的千金小姐尹娜英(申恩庆 饰),让所有人都没有想到的是,尹娜英表面看来温婉贤淑,实际上却野心勃勃冷漠自私,为了达到自己的目的不择手段。   金英民和尹娜英很快就有了他们的孩子金民宰(俞承豪 饰),金民宰是一个个性十分温柔的男子。相比于商场上不见硝烟的你争我斗,金民宰更倾情于在舞蹈的世界中挥洒自己的情怀。一位名为白仁姬(瑞雨 饰)的女演员出现在了金民宰的身边。
The story of a conglomerate family that falls apart when the members are caught up in a furious battle for succession. Kim Tae-jin's children all covet his fortune and the power that he possesses as the company president, and they would do anything, however cruel and inhumane, to wrest it from the others. At the forefront of this desperate game is Yoon Na-young, the ruthless and ambitious wife of Kim Young-min, Tae-jin's third son. Her unquenchable thirst for power and wealth drove her to the point of no return, manipulating both husband and son to achieve her own desires.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 욕망의불꽃
