
又名:To Forgive

主演:于小伟 Xiaowei Yu/邬君梅 Vivian Wu/罗家英 Kar-Ying Law/乔任梁 Renlang Qiao/刘南希 Nanxi Liu/李洪权/周中和/王永泉/白金铂/郭译文/冯大路/张莹

导演:朱敏江 编剧:朱敏江 Minjiang Zhu



查无此人主演:于小伟 Xiaowei Yu/邬君梅 Vivian Wu/罗家英 Kar-Ying Law/乔任梁 Renlang Qiao/刘南希 Nanxi Liu/李洪权/周中和/王永泉/白金铂/郭译文/冯大路/张莹, 对于心脏外科专家辜杰(于小伟 饰)来说,这是一个黑色的日子,有人打来言辞恶毒的诅咒电话,骂其父死的活该,然后父亲的骨灰盒莫名失踪,接踵而来的车祸让他坠入死亡深渊。待一切过后,几乎失忆的辜杰被人扔到了四面环海的孤岛。辜杰是个内心极其复杂的男人,他身上充斥着坚韧与脆弱的两极性格。郁芝(邬君梅 饰)二十年来在旁人的风言风语中度过,这个看似颠三倒四的寡妇,视女儿为自已的全部。性格懦弱的严叔(罗家英 饰),一直游离在郁芝和娜娜母女周围,但他看似善良的外表下果真有一颗诚实的心吗?二十年前究竟发生了什么,让今天的人们品尝这不愿面对的苦果……
China, Jiangsu province, the present day. On 15 October, after depositing the funerary urn of his father, Professor Gu Daqing (Feng Dalu), who died of a sudden heart attack, Gu Jie (Calvin Yu) receives a phone call from a stranger telling him the urn has just been stolen and to \"remember the 19th.\" After his car is hit by a lorry, Gu Jie wakes up on the 16th on the seashore of an island, where he finds a kidnapped girl tied up nearby. The girl's father, Jia Kuan (Li Hongquan), arrives and tells him to leave the island. In his pocket, Gu Jie finds a key to Room 327 of Shun Lai Hotel. After meeting a girl, Nana (Nancy Liu), who has a heart condition and whom his father once treated, Gu Jie goes to the decrepit hotel and checks into the room, where he finds an animal head in the bed and an old photo of a boy. \"Welcome to the game,\" says the mysterious phone caller.

