奥斯卡与露辛达Oscar and Lucinda(1997)

主演:Ralph Fiennes/Cate Blanchett/Ciarán Hinds/Tom Wilkinson/Richard Roxburgh

导演:吉莉安·阿姆斯特朗 编剧:Laura Jones



奥斯卡与露辛达主演:Ralph Fiennes/Cate Blanchett/Ciarán Hinds/Tom Wilkinson/Richard Roxburgh, 故事发生在19世纪的英格兰,青年奥斯卡(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)是一位传教士,心怀远大理想的他踏上了前往澳洲内陆的旅途,准备在那里展开自己的事业,让更多的人承蒙主的恩赐。露辛迪亚(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 饰)从小在富裕的家庭长大,衣食无忧的生活让她保留了美好的梦想和纯洁的心灵,在继承了父亲的玻璃厂之后,她决心将解放女性自立自强的态度发扬光大。   在漂泊在大海上的一艘轮船上,就是这样相似又迥异的两人,他们相遇了。好强又好胜的两人打了一个赌,赌局里奥斯卡必须建造一幢玻璃教堂并将它运往内陆山区,赌注是露辛迪亚的全部财产。而正是这个大胆又疯狂的赌局彻底改变了两人的命运。
In mid-1800s England, Oscar is a young Anglican priest, a misfit and an outcast, but with the soul of an angel. As a boy, even though from a strict Pentecostal family, he felt God told him through a sign to leave his father and his faith and join the Church of England. Lucinda is a teen-aged Australian heiress who has an almost desperate desire to liberate her sex from the confines of the male-dominated culture of the Australia of that time. She buys a glass factory and has a dream of building a church made almost entirely of glass, and then transporting it to Bellingen, a remote settlement on the north coast. Oscar and Lucinda meet on a ship going to Australia; once there, they are for different reasons ostracized from society, and as a result "join forces" together. Oscar and Lucinda are both passionate gamblers, and Lucinda bets Oscar her entire inheritance that he cannot transport the glass church to the Outback safely. Oscar accepts her wager, and this leads to the events that will change both their lives forever.

