后会有期Hasta la Vista!(2011)

又名:失身不离三兄弟(港) / Come as You Are

主演:Gilles De Schrijver/Xandra Van Welden

导演:杰弗里·恩索文 编剧:Dimitri de Clercq



后会有期主演:Gilles De Schrijver/Xandra Van Welden, “Hasta la Vista”可不是阿诺在《终结者》中拽拽地说出的名台词,而是西班牙一所妓院的妓女们热情好客的欢送语。三位主人公是一名盲人,一名半身麻痹着和一名全身瘫患者,但是他们相信,像他们这样的人也有权利追求爱和性,所以三人本着“破处”的目的向着西班牙一家为残疾人提供服务的妓院出发了……
Three guys in their twenties love wine and women but they are still virgins. Under the guise of a wine tour they embark on a journey to Spain hoping to have their first sexual experience. Jozef is blind, Philip is paralyzed from the neck down and Lars is in a wheelchair with a brain tumor, but they're not going to let anything stand in their way...

