驴脑先知Pied Piper(2013)

主演:Vikram Kochhar 拉兹巴·亚达夫 

导演:Vivek Budakoti 



一次意外的事故后,一个男子被传言移植了他心爱的驴子的大脑,他对此深信不疑,似乎也拥有了某些驴的特性,而这些特性让他赢得了无数人民的支持,成了精神领袖...... 初出茅庐的导演维韦克布达科迪,以初生牛犊不怕虎之势,将矛头直指政坛的丑恶与腐败。影片以其粗糙的质感,呈现出一股荒诞与癫狂的气质,跟随着”驴脑先知“不可思议的崛起与覆灭,在此起披伏的闹剧中,让观众在捧腹开怀之余,亦能体会到创作者的良苦用心,是一部发人深省的讽刺佳作。
Pied Piper is a satirical folklore of a simple laundryman, Chunnilal, who is rumored to have acquired his beloved donkey's brain in a freak accident. Charming millions with his asinine traits, Chunnilal soon rises to become the most popular and most feared hero of his time. The film traces the dynamics of his unprecedented rise and his inevitable fall along the trajectory of politics, religion, power and ideologies.


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