患有唐氏症的班,在母亲离世后离开澳洲,只身前往大哥工作的东京。哥哥担心弟弟人生地不熟,上演紧迫盯人的剧码!未料班凭借对莎士比亚的热爱、素描技巧,以及他的热情与智慧,与相遇的人们成为了好朋友,向哥哥证明他有独立生活的能力。 An Australian Shakespeare fan with Down Syndrome, sets off on a solo adventure to discover Tokyo in order to get away from his over-bearing older brother and prove his independence. Along the way he uses his knowledge of the Bard, his sketchbook and his wits to win the hearts of the people he meets.