没有台阶Без степеника(2015)

又名:Bez stepenika / Stairless

主演:Vlastimir-Djuza Stojiljkovic  

导演:Marko Novakovic 



老人斯拉维萨与女儿女婿住在一起,老伴儿已经去世。他渐渐患上了阿尔茨海默氏症,记忆力也减退了,不仅忘了当年做教授时写过的教材,甚至会在雨夜中出门去上班而忘了回家的路。他只有在老伴儿的墓碑前才显得头脑清楚,每每述说着对老伴儿的思念和自己当下的无奈。她的女儿女婿既要工作又要顾 家,已经不能应付。不得已决定送老人去养老院,那里毕竟是照顾老人的专业机构。在那里,没有台阶,以免老人摔倒。从决定到送老人去的这段时间,虽然有很多不舍和无奈,但这也是最好的选择。
Slavisa suffers from the Alzheimer's disease and his life in the community is becoming more complex, both for himself and for his household. His daughter and son-in-law are of the view that it is time for Slavisa to be placed in a nursing home. Slavisa desperately tries to convince them and show them that everything with him is still all right. With time this becomes more and more difficult to prove.


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